Friday, 15 November 2013

Review: Eisberg Alcohol Free Wine

As it's the weekend many of my friend's Facebook status updates inform me their plans for consuming lots of alcohol.

Before I got pregnant I wasn't a heavy drinker but I could drink quite a bit depending on whose company I was in.  We had a busy social calendar either meeting friends in the pub or going to friends houses.  This has only decreased in the past 2 months or so due to the fact we need to save money.

A friend introduced me to an alcohol free wine at her daughters 1st birthday party, I have no idea what the brand was but it tasted horrid.  I also tried Alcohol Free Pear Kopparberg, again horrid, it was far too sweet for my taste.  I had resigned myself to the fact that I would drink lemonade when we were out and Schloer in the house or at other people's houses.  I was happy with this as I enjoy both.

I then discovered Eisberg Alcohol Free wine at the Baby and Toddler Show at MediaCity.  I have to say I was a little skeptical after my previous encounter with alcohol free wine, however Eisberg state that their wine is made in the same way as normal wine but the final process is the remove the alcohol.

My favourite wine is Rose, I love the fruity taste.  When I had a sip of the Eisberg wine I couldn't believe how much it tasted like normal Rose wine.  Finally something different I could drink!  I also thought that this would be good for Christmas and New Year as I am planning to breast feed bump this would give me something else that I could drink and not need to have alcohol.  Another bonus is that it only contains 34 calories per 125ml, as we all know alcoholic drinks are full of calories. 

I bought 2 bottles of Rose at the show and they lasted me about a month.  I found that my local Morrison's sell it (£3.49 a bottle) so I bought a bottle of Rose and a Chardonnay.  The Chardonnay again tasted like normal white wine, I was again impressed.  These bottles again last me about a month.

To be honest I haven't missed alcohol whilst I have been pregnant and with my plans being to breast feed I have no idea when the next time I will have an alcoholic drink will be, to be honest I'm not that bothered.  I enjoy Eisberg Wine and still have lemonade and Schloer to mix it up, I get bored having the same thing all the time.  It's good to know there are options available.

Disclosure: When I attended the Baby and Toddler Show was not writing my blog, I purchased this product because I liked them and wanted to try it.  No review was expected from the seller.  My views are my own.

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