Sunday, 10 November 2013

Remembrance Sunday

I feel that Remembrance Sunday is about not only remembering those who died in the World Wars but also those who serve today and those who have died in recent battles, as well as those who have returned home wounded.

Mr M comes from a military family, specifically the RAF.  Since we have been together Remembrance Sunday seems even more important.  Mr M himself had signed up to join the RAF, he went to London but then had a change of heart, which I am glad about otherwise we would never have met.  My father-in-law is currently serving in the RAF, he is due to retire next year.  Thankfully for us he will no longer be posted abroad as he is now on wind down to leave.  My sister-in-law has been in the RAF for about 4 years, she loves her job and is excellent at what she does.  Currently she is based in the UK but there may come a day when she is posted abroad.

Mr M's grandad served during the 1950's for his national service, he always had a love for planes so joined RAF.  Even after he left he continued his love for planes, especially the old ones and this was passed onto my father-in-law who then passed this love on to Mr M.  We have been to a few airshows and even went to one with Mr M's grandad, he even took us to Duxford to the museum there.  Sadly Mr M's grandad passed away in September, the grandchildren had a plane made from flowers for the coffin, a very fitting tribute to a wonderful man - I'm sure he would have loved it

Mr M's grandad took amazing photos of planes - some of which we have hanging in the nursery to remember him by and to show bump.  We also have a plane cushion and 2 blankets - one for the cot and one for the pram with planes on.  Mr M wants to share his passion with his son, which I think is lovely.  Part of me hopes that's where it ends though and he doesn't follow into the family business.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Laurence Binyon

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